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    Course Overseeding Schedule

Golf Course Closure:

Sunday, September 22nd - Friday, November 1st
Saturday, November 2nd - Golf Course Opening Day

Check out a few over-seeding facts from Golf Course Superintendent, Jason Allmon: 

  • Over-seeding is the process of converting the golf course from warm season turf type (Bermuda grass) to cool season turf type (Rye grass).
  • The Bermuda grass is prepared to receive the cool season seed through a process called "scalping".
  • Once the course is prepared the Rye grass seed is spread across the entire course.

Golf Shop Hours During Course Closure Update

Golf Shop will be closed from Monday, September 23rd through Monday, October 28th.

If you need assistance, please call the golf shop  number at 760.345.7636 Ext. 424.

We will continue to have staff in the golf department with limited hours in preparation for the upcoming season. We ask that you leave a voicemail if your call was not answered and one our staff will periodically check the voicemails and reach out to you then.
